Respect & Transparency

Welcome to the 3rd principle of the PARTNERS principles: RESPECT

Please read the chapters on “RESPECT” and “TRANSPARENCY” in the book “The PARTNERS Principles for Community-Based Conservation.” They introduce the key themes we discuss throughout the videos and examples.

Watch this video to get started!

A short story from Tost, Mongolia.
Bayara from the Snow Leopard Foundation Mongolia shares a story about community based conservation approaches in the South Gobi. Watch this video to learn more.

A short story from Ladakh, India.
Abhijit from the Nature Conservation Foundation shares a story about shandong wolf stupas. Watch this video to learn more.

Let’s discuss the two examples.

Now we explore the principle of RESPECT.
This video summarizes a few key points about the principle.

Welcome to the 4th principle of the PARTNERS principles: TRANSPARENCY.

A short story from western Mongolia.
Jennifer from the Snow Leopard Trust shares a story about the Snow Leopard Enterprise conservation program in Mongolia. Watch this video to learn more.

Let’s bring it all together.
We used this case study to highlight a common challenge we face. Can you share the points that came up in your group discussion.

Now we explore the principle of TRANSPARENCY.
This video summarizes a few key points about the principle.

Join the discussion.
The PARTNERS Principles Network discuss the principles of RESPECT & TRANSPARENCY.

Recap of the principles: RESPECT & TRANSPARENCY.


Time for an activity. You can do this activity either as a group or as an individual.

Activity 3: Self-reflection: Styles of conflict management

Reflect on how they value:

  1. Relationship with the community
  2. Conservation goals

Mark on the diagram where you think you see yourself on this scale. Then read out the different styles of management. This will allow you to discuss the different styles of management and relate to why you opt for certain styles of management.

The key message from this exercise:

  • We may have more than one style of management that we may adopt depending on the situation and the circumstance.
  • There is no perfect style of management – each situation may demand a different response

Horses (compromising)*: Horses are moderately concerned with their own goals and relationships with others. Horses seek to give up part of their goals, and persuade the other person to give up part of theirs – a compromise. They seek the middle ground in a conflict. They are willing to sacrifice part of their own goals and relationships in order to find agreement for the common good.

Sharks (forcing): Sharks try to overpower opponents by forcing them to accept their solution to a conflict. Their goals are highly important to them and relationships of minor importance. They are not concerned with the needs of others and seek to achieve their goals at all costs. Sharks assume that conflicts are settled by one side winning and the other losing. They want to be the winner. Winning gives them a sense of pride and achievement. Loosing gives them a sense of weakness, inadequacy and failure. They try to win by attacking, overpowering, overwhelming and intimidating others.

Turtles (withdrawing): Turtles withdraw into their shells to avoid conflict. They give up their personal goals and relationships. They stay away from the issues over which the conflict is taking place and from the people with whom they are in conflict. Turtles feel helpless.

Cuddly toys (smoothing): Cuddly toys’ relationships are of great importance and their goals of little importance. They want to be accepted and liked by others. They think that conflicts should be avoided in favour of harmony and that people cannot discuss conflicts without damaging relationships. They are afraid that if the conflict continues, someone will get hurt, and that will ruin the relationship. They give up their goals to preserve the relationship. Cuddly toys try to smooth over the conflict for fear of harming the relationship.

* We concur that this classification and selection of animals is based on certain stereotypes. They are to be treated lightly, and we don’t mean to give any further meaning to or reinforce these false stereotypes about animals.

Dive into the next Principles: NEGOTIATION & EMPATHY