Investigator Activity: Landscape Comparisons

Age groups: 10-15 Keywords: Outdoors; Indoors; In-school activity; At-home activity; Individual activity; Pen and paper needed; Comparisons; Critical thinking; Human landscapes One-sentence summary of activity: Students learn about snow leopard habitats and compare them to the human landscapes where they live, and then critically reflect on the differences through conceptualized drawings or journaling.  Diagram of …

Observer Activity: Hidden in Plain Sight

Age groups: 7-14 Keywords: Outdoors, In-school activity, Group-based activity, No materials needed, observation, active, game, adaptations One-sentence summary of activity: One student will be selected to be the seeker, the rest of the group will hide in the surrounding area (within 100 footsteps), the seeker will count to 30, giving the rest of the group …

Investigator Activity: Gratitude Circle

Age groups: 6 and up Keywords: Outdoors or indoors; In-school activity or At-home activity; Group-based activity; No materials needed; Care; Gratitude One-sentence summary of activity:  Leading a morning gratitude circle, teaching kids about appreciating what’s around them. Focusing on what’s in their environment such as: The birds in the area, Snow Leopards, the mountains, a …

Observer Activity: Finding your place

Age groups: 8 and up Keywords: Outdoors; Natural area needed; In-school activity; At-home activity; Individual activity; Pen and paper needed; Sense of place; Bioregion awareness; Observation; Reflection One-sentence summary of activity: Each student spends time observing a nearby outdoor landscape with all of their senses and then reflects on the experience through drawings and written …

Investigator Activity: Campfire Circle Story

Age groups: 12 and up Keywords: Outdoors; Indoors; In-school activity; Group-based activity; No materials needed; Communication, critical thinking, values, perspectives, conservation. One-sentence summary of activity: Recalling experiences or stories learned from others about personal experiences of encounters with Snow Leopards (these could range from myths to real-life encounters),  local knowledge, perspectives, and community-awareness.  Diagram of …

Investigator Activity: Building Your Nest

Age groups: 7-12 years Keywords: Outdoors; Natural area needed; In-school activity or At-home activity; Group-based activity and Individual activity; Sticks and leaves and any natural materials are all that is needed; Imagination; Patience. One-sentence summary of activity:  Students will think like a Golden Eagle in this activity – they will build their own nest with …

Observer Activity: Adopt a Plant

Age groups: 8 and up Keywords: Outdoors; Natural area needed; At-home activity; Individual activity; Pen and paper needed; Observation; Extended; Creativity One-sentence summary of activity: In this week-long assignment, students will monitor the activity of a certain plant, whether that is the animals that were seen interacting with it, any changes to the plant’s physical …

Observer Activity: Let’s go birding!

Age groups: This activity can be for all ages but can be altered in the level of difficulty based on experience/knowledge. Keywords: Outdoors; Natural area needed; In-school activity; At-home activity; Group-based activity; Individual activity; Pen and paper needed; Special materials needed ; Observational; Local Environment; Relational; Critical Thinking  One-sentence summary of activity: The goal of this …

Conservationist Activity 4

Activity name: Adaptation Estimated time: 1 hour Values: Intrinsic Skills: Analytical, critical-thinking Knowledge: Ecological processes and functions, Natural History, Local environment Action: N/A Adaptation is the process by which living things become better able to live in their habitat over time. They do this in order to survive. For example, plants living in the desert …

Conservationist Activity 7

Activity name: What are the environmental issues in your area? Estimated time: 1 hour Values: Relational, intrinsic, instrumental Skills: Leadership, Confidence-building, analytical, critical thinking, investigative Knowledge: human interaction with nature Action: Decision-making, local positive action, compliance with environmental regulations What are the environmental challenges in your area? Discuss and list all the challenges Discuss and …